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Alternative Mind, Alternative World
"Each line in Shakespeare is an atom. The energy that can
be released is infinite, if we can split it open."
Peter Brook
Our work to date has largely centred around Shakespeare, Words & Theatre.
It is through this work that we have created and consolidated our AlternativeApproach, along with the work coming out of the AlternativeTomorrowsProject.
For us, the ultimate conclusion coming out of those journies, is that everything is in,
and comes out of, the Mind.
In defining theAlternativeBeing, we draw heavily on our 23+ years
of experience to focus on just what is really
known about how our Mind works.
On one hand, we as Humans know an awful lot about
how it operates, its processes etc but the reality is,
as far as we can see, there is still a tremendous
amount that we don't know.
And there is a nagging fear that despite the advances made by researchers
to date, carrying on in the same tradition is unlikely to yield the
knowledge that is being so earnestly sought.
An alternative approach is therefore required,
a new way, a new perspective.
We hope to publish our findings on this page in the near future.
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